Auto Repair Services
Vehicle maintenance is an ongoing endeavor, but individuals who regularly maintain their vehicle through scheduled oil changes, tire rotations, and tune ups, find their vehicles run better throughout its life. At Nichols’ Service in Brockport, NY, we want to be your family’s car mechanic and keep your vehicles running in top form. Our staff is knowledgeable, certified, and ready to tackle any vehicle issue presented to us, whether that be a foreign or domestic vehicle.
Oil Changes, Brake Repair & Tune-Up Services
We believe our customers are the most important part of our job, and we strive to do the job correctly the first time, so it saves you time and money. Our staff is reliable, honest, and will always keep you in the loop before making any repairs. Give us a call at (585) 637-4495 if you have any questions or to schedule your free estimate!

Services we provide:
Click each section to read more.
The braking system is one of the most important safety systems in any vehicle. Typical problems like a screeching while braking or a squishy feeling when you press the brake pedal are telltale signs your brakes need servicing. Our team performs a comprehensive exam on your brakes, informs you of the issue, and then reviews options with you. We want you and your family to have the peace of mind that when you touch that brake pedal, you are getting the performance you’re expecting.
The wear and tear on a vehicle can impact its overall performance, and over time can shorten its life. At Nichols’ Service we perform an advanced tune-up procedure that checks various filters, ignition systems, the PCV valve (allows gases to escape crankcase), sparkplugs, belts, hoses, and fluids. In older vehicles, we can even check and adjust ignition timing, idle speed, and idle mixture if you notice your car is idling poorly.
There’s no substitute for a good set of winter tires, especially during the brutal Western NY winters. We offer a full line of top-quality tires and wheels, both all-seasons and winter-specific. We also offer tire balancing and rotations, which is important so tires wear evenly, and also has the added bonus of improving gas mileage, and offering a smoother ride.
New York State requires all vehicles be inspected by a certified and licensed mechanic each year. During this required inspection we check your vehicle’s emissions and all its major systems. We also take this opportunity to let you know if we see any repairs that might be necessary in the near future, even if your car passed inspection.
It’s a far cry from when we started in 1950, when our mechanics had to spend all day finding and isolating a problem within a vehicle. Fast forward 60 years, and now we can tap into your vehicle’s computer system and it can give us where the issue resides and we can go to work. This saves both you time and money while also ensuring the job is done right the first time.
There’s no worse feeling in the world than being stranded with a broken down car, especially if that happens in the wee hours of the morning. If you find yourself needing a tow, we can provide it at Nichols’ Service. Just give our emergency tow line a call at (585)637-5090 (Click to Call) and we’ll be happy to pick you up!